By Steve Guest, The Daily Caller: On Wednesday, Ebony Magazine’s Jamilah Lemieux criticized the use of the phrase “hate crime” in association with the five white Dallas police officers who were …
January 9, 2017
Around the Web
Bill to Get U.S. Out of United Nations Introduced in New Congress
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Alex Newman, The New American: Amid growing outrage on both sides of the aisle surrounding the United Nations, legislation to get the U.S. government out of the UN and …
Around the Web
They ‘Kant’ Be Serious! PC Students Demand White Philosophers Including Plato and Descartes be Dropped From University Syllabus
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Jonathan Petre, Daily Mail: They are titans of philosophy, without whose work an understanding of the subject is all but inconceivable. But now students at a University of London …
By Idrees Ali, Reuters: A U.S. Navy destroyer fired three warning shots at four Iranian fast-attack vessels after they closed in at a high rate of speed near the Strait …
Around the Web
ISIS Shows Preschooler Killing Victim Tied to Carnival Ball Pit
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Bridget Johnson, PJ Media: After an end-of-the-year video showing pre-teens hunt down and kill bound prisoners in an abandoned building, the Islamic State today released an even more gory …
Around the Web
U.S. Military Vows More Complex Training in Europe to Deter Russia
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Andrea Shalal, Reuters: The U.S. military on Sunday vowed to increase the scope and complexity of its European training exercises to deter Russian aggression, as more U.S. tanks, trucks …
Around the Web
US Would Shoot Down North Korean Ballistic Missile Test if it Threatens Territory, Allies, Carter Says
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Reuters: North Korea‘s nuclear weapons capabilities and ballistic missile defense programs constitute a “serious threat” to the United States, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Sunday. The United States …
By Morgan Deane: I just discussed the impact of China’s new carrier in my previous article, China Aircraft Carrier Sails Into Blue Waters. China having a carrier is a big …
Military and Police
Missions Change, Locations Change – Duty, Respect, and Honor Do Not
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Jon Harris: In July 2012, I was a contract dog handler at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Sharana, Afghanistan. I handled a narcotic detection canine. The Taliban is principally funded …