By Anna Giaritelli, Washington Examiner: Former Vice Presidential candidate’s son may be the only way for Tim Kaine to make his way back into the news… Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine‘s …
March 8, 2017
Around the Web
Khizr Khan’s Claim That the U.S. is Restricting His Travel May Be Unraveling
by OpsLensby OpsLensMax Bearak, Washington Post: Khizr Khan, the Gold Star father whose impassioned speech at the Democratic National Convention in July called on Americans to reject a ban on Muslims entering the …
The modern DNC has been an enabler and apologist for any behavior that is found to be abhorrent to those with traditional American values Before all of the Deep State …
Around the Web
Pelosi Falsely Asserts Comey Has ‘Spoken Out’ Against Trump’s Wiretap Claim, and No One Corrects Her
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Tré Goins-Phillips, The Blaze: Intentional or not…CBS News provided an out for Nancy Pelosi after false claims regarding James Comey An interview House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) gave …
Congressman Richmond claimed that he spoke to people who were close to him and they helped him see the error of his ways…I say that it shouldn’t take an outside …
The general idea is that policies are written with so many caveats that an officer could not engage in a pursuit without being found to have violated some sort of …
Sending non-violent small time offenders to prison is the same as sending them to school to learn to be professional criminals… President Donald Trump is committed to restoring safety in …
“He then went on to send the good sheriff an email asking what law they were using to deny him his right to carry…” What happens when you have an …
I distinctly remember the shock and disbelief I felt when I first learned that the United States spends more money on its military than the next eleven countries combined. This …
I feel that you owe this country not only your support but your time and effort… As the demonstrations continue and the news stories churn in about those who have …