After the tragic events of 9/11 applications in the intelligence community went through the roof and with the Global War on Terror raging on still, the volume of wannabe intelligence …
August 20, 2017
Author Mark Bray defended a loose collection of leftists known as Antifa for their use of violent tactics in the wake of the deadly white nationalist Charlottesville rally, saying that …
The female Veteran population accounts for 10 percent of US Veterans, and that number is expected to grow to 15 percent by 2030. This Veteran population — which is younger …
List of the top concealed carry firearms.
The US intelligence and military forces have removed these terrorists from the battlefield.
In this day and age social media connects the world like never before. However, with this new found connectivity and the ability for people to build themselves platforms upon which …
Our nation has long faced the threat of our own people, with access to extremely sensitive information, turning on us. As this list – which is certainly not comprehensive – …
When one accepts the mantle of leadership, they take all responsibility for the failure of their team. To do anything else means that they were never really in charge. Sometimes …
While I do not condone or follow the beliefs that the protestors of the “Unite the Right” protest stand for, I must say that I do support their right to …