
The Obsession with the Children of America

We all know of the battle for the youth of America: the push by the radical left to sexualize, confuse, and mis-gender our children. To teach them to rebel against the family unit, fight against the authority of mom and dad, and question their own personal identity and interests.
We also know of the manipulation of the lessons in our classrooms with the absurd curriculum including the 1619 Project, Common Core math, and Sex-Ed in Kindergarten.
But how far back does the brainwashing go?
These new lessons and perversions may be recent, but the attack on the family unit and glorification of liberalism goes back some time.
My nine year old daughter is beginning to watch more adult movies, and steer away from the childhood cartoons (she’s growing up way too fast). She’s also getting involved more in extra curricular activities, including volleyball, ballet, and dance theatre.
After watching her first musical in school (West Side Story), and now participating in a dance theatre class at the local community college, she is beginning to get interested in musicals. As one who grew up around musicals, singing, dancing and theatre, this excited both myself and Mrs. Voice of Reason.
Over the weekend, we decided to turn on the 1982 original film of “Annie”. The harmless child musical of little orphan Annie finding a family with Daddy Warbucks, who himself found a softness in his heart to adopt her and create a family of his own.
I haven’t seen the movie in years, but was excited to reminisce with a classic.
In the movie however, now as an adult and with the political filter I have, I noticed the subtle remarks creating the images that are so familiar and generally accepted in society about certain issues.
-Democrats are caring.
-Republicans are heartless, greedy capitalists with no care for the less fortunate.
-Government programs help the needy.
In one of the scenes, Warbucks and Annie take the private helicopter to the White House to meet President Roosevelt to discuss the New Deal. While there, Roosevelt talks to Annie about needing to help the children in and out of homes, saying that he thinks the people feel “the government doesn’t care about them”, and advocates for child camps. To which Warbucks rightfully scoffs at the idea, saying that it’s run by emotions, and ill managed with no structure. That’s when Annie begins to sing about tomorrow, and how we need these great programs.
While the naïve girl from the orphanage may not understand what’s really happening, it was a pivotal moment where we saw a glimpse of the socialist agenda of Roosevelt during a time of Great Depression, and working to push more children into the hands of the state.
If it’s not obvious enough in the movie, we already saw what government run programs do to children, sending them to poorly run orphanages with few resources, and oppressive behavior from management. And here, in what is supposed to be a touching heartfelt moment of a cold hearted Republican finding a heart, and tending to the needs of others, we see the agenda play out to create more of the same misery: government programs.
While this may be minor details, these breadcrumbs of rubbish are littered through media, entertainment, and our education.
Why does it matter?
As Republicans, we are already playing catch up on the messaging and branding game, and messages like these aimed at the young generation make it even more difficult.
Especially when the message in 1982 was nothing compared to what we are teaching our children in 2024.