
19 Epic Displays of Failure on College and University Campuses That Demonstrate How Free Speech and Civility are Dying

Militant protests erupted at Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA after the school-sanctioned event “A Day of Absence” commenced.  The event is traditionally held at a location off campus, but this year organizers were struck by the good idea fairy.  Rather than hold the event off campus for the normal inclusionary day of a diverse and empowering day of presentations and fellowship, the event was held on campus.

Not only was the event held on campus, the phrase “day of absence” referred to white people, instead of a day of absence from campus.

Organizers called upon white people to remain off campus for the entire day.  One professor, Bret Weinstein, decided to remain on campus because he disagreed and this resulted in mobs of protesters converging on his classroom.