
19 Epic Displays of Failure on College and University Campuses That Demonstrate How Free Speech and Civility are Dying

Harvard doesn’t seem to like breaks from being in the center of the social justice warrior social media storm, so let’s keep talking about them.

When campusreform.org conducted a survey of students currently in attendance, the results were astounding.  The question presented: who scares you more, Trump or the Islamic State?  Naturally, several students said that President Trump is more dangerous than ISIS.  That’s right, ISIS.

One student even said, “Terrorism really isn’t that big of a deal.”  Students went on to say President Trump poses a threat to their everyday lives.  It’s to be expected that institutions who heavily police speech would resist the Trump administration to some extent.  We get that, but brushing off ISIS and terrorism as “not that big of a deal” also shows how sheltered and privileged many of these campuses make students feel.