
19 Epic Displays of Failure on College and University Campuses That Demonstrate How Free Speech and Civility are Dying

It’s been established that UC Berkeley isn’t really on the side of free speech unless it’s liberal speech.  Another infamous incident occurred when conservative commentator Ann Coulter was set to give a talk on campus at UC Berkeley.

Much like the situation with Milo Yiannopoulos, many students protested the impending speech. Protests were planned, rioters prepped their black masks, and general uprising occurred in response to the scheduled appearance.

The college was a stop on Coulter’s book tour, but she was forced to cancel when her sponsors pulled out of the appearance over safety concerns.  UC Berkeley attempted to reschedule for when class wasn’t in session, but Coulter declined.

Again, like Ann or don’t like Ann, we don’t care.  But if you do not like her, the answer is simple, do not go and listen to her speech.