
19 Epic Displays of Failure on College and University Campuses That Demonstrate How Free Speech and Civility are Dying

No college uprising would be complete without good ol’ Linda Sarsour.

After it was announced that Sarsour would deliver the commencement speech at CUNY School of Public Health, all hell broke loose.  Several citizens of NYC began to protest the choice to feature Sarsour as the keynote speaker.  Elected officials even attempted to voice concerns over Sarsour speaking at a school with a significant Jewish population.  Sarsour is known for her polarizing comments, specifically how “there is nothing creepier than Zionism.”

The commencement speech went off without a hitch.  Sarsour took to the stage to wax poetic about social injustice and discrimination, as per usual.  Very little of her speech addressed the incredible accomplishments her audience just achieved.  She even made sure to highlight her own work and resolve to continue using her loud voice.