
19 Epic Displays of Failure on College and University Campuses That Demonstrate How Free Speech and Civility are Dying

A student at Washington State University destroyed a pro-life display on campus. The Cemetery of the Innocents was made of tiny crosses meant to represent the number of abortions carried out in one day. The student who vandalized the display did so twice and claimed that the display shamed women who have had abortions and went against his own pro-abortion beliefs.

When confronted, the student said he would continue to vandalize the display as long as it was up.  The organizer of the display reached out to have a conversation with the man, but he refused to speak with her.  This situation highlights the serious double standard on campuses when it comes to freedom of speech.  Many times, students are ostracized if their beliefs don’t fall in line with trending outrage.

It is okay to disagree folks, but don’t make a fool of yourself over it…trust us, someone is filming it on their phone.