One month into the 2022 Year of the Yang Water Tiger, what have you accomplished? Did you roar, leap, and pounce upon your goal? Or did you creep along silently …
Sharon Rusk
Sharon Rusk
Sharon Rusk is a retired career intelligence officer. In addition to her government service and a degree in International Affairs, her eclectic interests have included a degree and business in Interior Design, all while maintaining an active real estate license. She was certified as a Feng Shui consultant where she has taught, lectured, and authored magazine articles. She now consults when not enjoying life by the Narragansett or Chesapeake Bays, the Gulf of Mexico, or the Atlantic Ocean.
China’s contribution to the world in the form of Lunar New Year is something to celebrate. And who doesn’t need a good celebration right now? The Lunar New Year provides …
FeaturedLifestyle & HealthOpsLens
Living Well with Feng Shui: Health and Happiness
by Sharon Ruskby Sharon RuskHappiness is an inside job? Happiness begins at home? Working for a better life than the generation before? Once the basis of wholesome living, these concepts seem prehistoric in America …
FeaturedLifestyle & HealthOpsLens
The Feng Shui’ing of America: Living Well, American Style
by Sharon Ruskby Sharon RuskFeng Shui is correctly pronounced ‘fung shway.’ There are as many definitions of this ancient art as there are people. But what’s really important is what it does: Feng Shui …